Curug Cilemberโ€ฆ

Curug Cilember is a tourism spot, located in Jogjogan village, Cisarua, 20 km from Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Needs only one and half hour from Jakarta by car.

My friends and I went there last weekend. Cilember presents its beauty with waterfalls that we called “curug” or “air terjun” in Indonesian. Not only the waterfall, Cilember has a laboratory for breeding butterflies. And it has a Camping Ground for those who want to camp in fresh air.

Back to our topic about the waterfall, Cilember has 7 waterfalls. Each can be reached on foot. Climbing exactly :mrgreen: My friends and I just made it until the 2nd waterfall. ๐Ÿ˜€

Here are the pictures :

1. The 1st waterfall

2. Climbing

3. The 2nd waterfall

hahaiiiiiiy… Those are the pics. So??? Wanna play with water??? Go to Curug Cilember.. ๐Ÿ™‚

Since we were hungry, we decided to go to Cimory Restaurant. Not far from Curug Cilember. It is located in Jalan Raya Puncak no. 435 – Km.77 Cisarua, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.

It’s a family restaurant with beautiful scenery around it. You will meet a huge cow statue in front of it :mrgreen: Maybe because Cimory makes dairy product. Haha.. Many kind of food you can order, from international food such as beef steak, spaghetti, hotdog, etc; until conventional food (i called it conventional because i usually eat them :D) such asย  fried rice, fried chicken, soto, and soup. And beverages such as milkshake, lemon tea, and ginger milk. Hhhhhmmm.. yummy.. Wanna taste it?? ๐Ÿ˜€

Sorry.. Forgot to take pictures of our food because we were so hungry.. ๐Ÿ˜€ So, eat first.. ๐Ÿ˜›

After having lunch, we went to Bogor Botanical Garden in Bogor, Central Java, Indonesia. Here are the pics :

Whoaaaaaaaa… What a day.. I mean, what a great day!!! Thanks to Phikang Cool for the pics and thanks to all of my friends. C u guys on the next vacation.. Horrrrrayyyyy!!!!!


    • ningnong - Reply

      we, we, we… udh diajakin kog we… kamu siy pake acara pindahan kos kmaren.. jd g bs ikut dah… maap y, haniy… wkwkwkw..

    • ningnong - Reply

      iya dong mas.. B-) hehehe… emg blog-mu… *cek TKP dulu*
      nah kan bener.. ga apdet2.. trakir desember 2008… haduuuh haduuh… ๐Ÿ˜€

    • ningnong - Reply

      hahaha.. kamu gag tau kan, klo itu trik kamera.. wkwkwkw… trus ditambah lighting yang keren,, akunya jadi bagus.. :mrgreen:

      btw, makasih yah.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. oedi - Reply

    Adventure…. asyik…… ๐Ÿ™‚
    “Pantang kembali sebelum mencapai puncak idaman” halah…. ga nyambung dg postingan ini… hehe…

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