saatnya karaoke lagi…

lagi g da gawe… jadi brosang brosing g jelas smbil dgrin mp3 yg dah rada2 jadul (ya ga jadul2 amat siy)… sampailah suatu ketika, di lagu berjudul “I Remember” dari band Mocca.. berhubung g apal, jadinya kucari liriknya dri mbah gugel..

berikut lirik lagu Mocca – I Remember

I remember… the way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember… when we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember… all the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember… all the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember?
When we were dancing in the rain in that December
And I remember… when my father thought you were a burglar
I remember… all the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember… all the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember… the way you read your books, yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes, yes I remember
The cake you loved the most, yes I remember
The way you drank your coffee, I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that December
And the way you smile at me, yes I remember…

keinget film CAS ga siy? itu lho Catatan Akhir Sekolah… mbuh lupa taon brapa gtu… mengenang saat2 indah dan dodol di SMA… hehehe… :mrgreen:


      • bay - Reply

        wah ning, padahal niatku mau bawain vakasimu pas acara sabtu besok…
        kalau begitu saya urungkan saja niat itu…

  1. datums - Reply

    ini bukan lagu kenangan SMUUUUUUUU…..
    try graduation kalo mo nostalgia sekolah 😛 heheheheh

    btw, CAS? aq ntnnya pas di puter di tv pas tengah malam 😛

    • ningnong - Reply

      iya maaaaaaaaaaaaaaasss… cuman aku inget CAS, kan settingnya pas SMU tuh..
      hehehe 😀
      iya, aku jg nontonnya di tipi kog.. 😉

      yupe, lagu graduation-nya vitamin C kan??? oke..

  2. ningnong - Reply

    @ bay
    wahhh kenapa diurungkan???
    hikz hikz hikz…. tapi klo jadi dibawa bukan mo dicemplungin ke kotak acaranya mba aL kan???

  3. wendi - Reply

    I Remember…
    Pokoke hidup red helmet lah…
    Huehehehe, nilpun aku sih ngapa nek bali pwt…, ben bisa nagih utanganmu…

    • ningnong - Reply

      hehehe.. ketauan yah…
      sering pulang tapi g ngomong.. wkwkwk
      emg mo dimasakin apa e? biar aku latian dlu neh… (basa basi mode on) :mrgreen:

      yupe. i remember kog… 😉

  4. Na Dinia - Reply

    ninki,, kita py ikatan batin apa yah,,, hehehe,,,
    udah sebulan ini ringtone hp aku pke lagu ini,,,
    iya,, aku lg kangen masa sma,,, makanya aku pasang lagu ini,,

  5. Faisal Reza - Reply

    Halo mbak,
    saya reza dari UNSOED Purwokerto

    mau tanya2 tentang koneksi freeradius dan zimbra ldap
    boleh minta alamat ym/email agar bisa diskusi?

    Thanks 🙂

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